
Danish culture - the new Danish king

February 22, 2024

You might have noticed that Denmark now has a king! If you're curious about the topic, tune in to our webinar!



Søndag den 14. januar fik Danmark en ny regent: Hans majestæt kong Frederik 10. Hvad synes danskerne om det? Hvor skal han bo? Hvad laver en dansk konge? Få svar på det og meget mere i dette webinar.

On Sunday 14 January, Denmark got a new monarch: His Majesty King Frederik 10. What do the Danes think about it? Where will he reside? What does a Danish king do? Get the answers to these questions and much more in this webinar. 

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Swap Language is making it easy, engaging and flexible to learn Danish, German and English. You can learn with hundreds of on-demand lessons online for free. www.swaplanguage.com.